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Warcaby Gamezer

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Warcaby Gamezer
• Gamezer Checkers is played by two players. Each player begins the game with 12 colored discs. (Typically, one set of pieces is black and the other white.)
• The board consists of 64 squares, alternating between 32 dark and 32 light squares. It is positioned so that each player has a light square on the right side corner closest to him or her.
Each player places his or her pieces on the 12 dark squares closest to him or her.
• White moves first. Players then alternate moves.
• Moves are allowed only on the dark squares, so pieces always move diagonally. Single pieces are always limited to forward moves (toward the opponent).
• A piece making a non-capturing move (not involving a jump) may move only one square.
• A piece making a capturing move (a jump) leaps over one of the opponent's pieces, landing in a straight diagonal line on the other side. Only one piece may be captured in a single jump; however, multiple jumps are allowed on a single turn.
• When a piece is captured, it is removed from the board.
• If a player is able to make a capture, there is no option - the jump must be made. If more than one capture is available, the player is free to choose whichever he or she prefers.
• When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king.
• Kings are limited to moving diagonally, but may move both forward and backward. (Remember that single pieces, i.e. non-kings, are always limited to forward moves.)
• A player wins the game when the opponent cannot make a move. In most cases, this is because all of the opponent's pieces have been captured, but it could also be because all of his pieces are blocked in.

• A checker can jump backwards
• If no jump is available, the king can move any distance, forward or backward, along an unobstructed diagonal. It must land in an unoccupied square.
• A checker does not become a king if, while making multiple jumps, it lands momentarily on the opponent's end of the board, but ends the turn in the middle of the board. To become a King, a checker must be on the opponent's end of the board when the turn is over.